Saturday, 25 February 2012

Waiter my good man I'll have the... oh.

France the birth place of the Michelin Star. Home to famous restaurants like the Cote Saint Jacques in Joigny, Le Petit Nice in Marseille and Le Maurice in Paris. "Oi" i hear you cry "what about Le Restaurant Fuster in Pepieux?"

Well i was lucky enough to eat in Le Fuster...

We sat in the warm summer evening in the deserted town square surrounded by cats and the only things you could hear were the birds tweeting, the church bells on the hour and little snippets of the Rocky soundtrack booming out of a local guys van as he drove through town every now and again. It felt like you would see a tumble weed blowing past at any moment.

We sat down at the creaky table onto our plastic chairs and were greeted with a smile from our host Raymond wearing a very fetching vest. He spoke less english than we did french and there were no menus on the table. The wine was from the local cave and the larger was ice cold. As we were waiting for the menus, out came Raymond with the starters on a metal plater.

The selection of cured meat, although not appetising to look at, tasted pretty good as did the eggs topped with the great French mustardy mayo. The roast beef main course with amazing golden spuds out of his garden was perfect. You couldn't help but think that if you were to go to Raymonds house for dinner this is what you get and we did feel like guest in his home rather than customers. To me it was an authentic French family meal and I loved it.